Fertility. Where to begin? It can be a very consuming journey for some with the abundance of information available which can lead to stress and have a negative impact on your body but hold tight, there are some juicy points we can work on that have a positive, strong reaction on your hormones and equilibrium!
Fertility Reflexology can help prepare your body for conception, balancing hormones and regulating menstruation cycles are just some of the objectives. By stimulating the reproductive system and creating a surge of energy within the uterus and ovaries, we can help enable a safe environment for baby to grow and help release the right balance and flow of hormones.
Fertility Reflexology has become by far one of my most positive and popular treatments alongside maternity. Many of my women are going through IVF or have polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis. With this in mind I work very closely with you, always updating the treatment as the body develops and tailoring to individual needs. Working alongside the drugs and your cycle.
So, once we have had a chat about your medical history and established a route to take, this powerful treatment can begin and help you on your way!
Trained alongside side renowned Fertility expert Barbara Scott Diploma 5